January 31, 2006 | |
A genius explains | |
Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant. He can perform mind-boggling mathematical calculations at breakneck speeds. But unlike other savants, who can perform similar feats, Tammet can describe how he does it. He speaks seven languages and is even devising his own language. Now scientists are asking whether his exceptional abilities are the key to unlock the secrets of autism.
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Chrome Shelby Cobra |
The ultimate blingmobile, Ford's Shelby Cobra GR-1 has a body composed entirely of polished aluminum.
The Chrome Shelby Cobra. Need I say more? |
January 30, 2006 | |
Sex in Big Brother | |
Almost every country in the world has its own version of Big Brother, but I think none of them is more fun to watch than the Hungarian version. If you like someone, you might as well have sex with him or her. And you don't have to be ashamed about it. Or worried that anybody else will see it, because we all will.
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Trying To Lift Standards |
An Australian state plans to ban students from wearing denim.
According to state officials, the ban will be brought in because the fabric is linked with having a good time. "It is associated with weekend wear, with recreational time," a spokesman for Western Australia state Education Minister Ljiljanna Ravlich said. "It's just unacceptable at schools and we are trying to lift the standards." The ban on jeans in Western Australia's secondary schools will be imposed from 2007. The word "jeans" is thought to have come from a type of material, called "jean" that was round in the 1600's. The material was named after sailors from Genoa in Italy, because they wore clothes made from it. The word 'denim' probably came from the name of a French material from the town of Nimes. |
Lawyer Dons Dominatrix Mask in Trial |
A prosecutor put on a black leather mask and re-enacted a bondage session Friday at a dominatrix's manslaughter trial, telling the jury the woman did nothing to help her client when he suffered a heart attack.
Prosecutor Robert Nelson also dumped a box of hoods, collars and paddles onto a table during his closing arguments, declaring that 56-year-old Barbara Asher was trying to protect her business and "that's why she didn't call the police." The jury deliberated for about four hours on Friday before being sent home until Monday morning. Asher, who called herself Mistress Lauren M, is charged with manslaughter and dismemberment in Michael Lord's death. Lord, a 53-year-old retired telephone company worker from North Hampton, N.H., died in 2000 while strapped to a replica of a medieval torture device in Asher's Quincy condominium, according to police. His body was never found. |
Passports of the world!!! Amazing hack! |
I just can't believe this website.
http://www.scrolllock.nl/passport It holds the passport details of people in the world. Just give the first name, Last name and the country you are living in. It gives your Passport Details. How is this possible? Where is the security for the Government Database of each country? Can anybody answer? Jus check this out....how bizzare |
Pakistan says signs of sabotage in train derailment |
The derailment of a packed express train in Pakistan that killed at least two people and injured more than 70 appears to have been caused by sabotage, a railways official said on Monday.
"There is certain evidence collected at the site which shows an element of sabotage," Ishaq Khakwani, the minister of state for railways, told Reuters. |
4-killed as Islamabad Express derails near Jehlum |
As many as four people including two women were killed and forty others injured as a Lahore bound non-stop Express train derailed near Jehlum as four coaches of the train fell into 50-100 feet deep ravine near Domeli Railway station on Sunday.
Coaches of 108 Down Islamabad Express carrying 400 passengers fell down into deep ravine between Domeli and Bhakrala at 7:20 pm. The train was traveling from Rawalpindi, a city adjoining the capital Islamabad, to the eastern city of Lahore. The accident scene is a mountainous range. |
Muslims Step Up Product Boycott Over Danish Cartoons |
Gulf retailers were pulling Danish products from their shelves and ambassadors were being summoned for a dressing down over the publication of cartoons depicting and ridiculing Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by the main Danish daily.
The Danish Arla company, one of Europe’s largest dairy producers, has placed advertisements in Middle Eastern newspapers to try to stop a boycott of its goods in Muslim countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, reported the BBC News Online. A spokesman said Arla was facing consumer pressure to dissociate itself from the controversial cartoons published by Jyllands-Posten on. The company has said its customers appeared to have stopped selling its dairy produce and had begun a boycott of Danish goods. |
Jennifer Aniston Left Bruised After Raunchy Sex Scenes |
Jennifer Aniston was reportedly left covered in bruises after filming sweaty sex scenes with Clive Owen.
The stunning actress, who recently divorced husband Brad Pitt, revealed how romping with the handsome 'Closer' actor in new movie 'Derailed' left her black and blue. She told a TV show: "I got some good bruises on my legs. It wasn't pretty." Who can blame Jen from grabbing a bit of headline action with a naughty revelation about her own sex life. "But your adrenaline is running so you don't even feel it." Now Jen is only talking about her romp with Owen, but she made her point. |
Caption This!!! |
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Sunday Hangover? |
Here's a little for the Sunday Hangover!!!
Berserk motorist beating up bike courier |
A citizen journalist snapped a jaw-dropping set of photos of a berserk motorist attacking a young bike-messenger in Toronto's Kensington Market. The incident reportedly began when the motorist tossed litter out his window, and the courier threw it back in; the motorist reportedly threw a cup of coffee on the courier and the courier reportedly keyed his car.
The intrepid photographer calmly stood and fired off shot after shot of the motorist completely losing it, attacking the courier, screaming, and generally going nuts, and braved the man's charge with a baseball bat when he was noticed with his camera. |
January 26, 2006 | |
Japan's most popular game is not a game! | |
As you read this, a fairly significant revolution in the videogame industry is taking place in Japan. A quirky "game" is gaussian-blurring the line between games and applications, old and young, fun and utility, gamer and non-gamer — and you might be surprised by the results.
It tells you a lot about both the game industry, and Japan itself. The game? Nintendo's 東北大学未来科学技術共同研究センター川島隆太教授監修 脳を鍛える大人のDSトレーニング. That's right! "Touhokudai Gaku Mirai Kagakugijutsu Kyoudoukenkyuu Center: Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju no Nou o Kitaeru Otono DS Training" | |
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Bush the Incompetent |
Incompetence is not one of the seven deadly sins, and it's hardly the worst attribute that can be ascribed to George W. Bush. But it is this president's defining attribute. Historians, looking back at the hash that his administration has made of his war in Iraq, his response to Hurricane Katrina and his Medicare drug plan, will have to grapple with how one president could so cosmically botch so many big things -- particularly when most of them were the president's own initiatives.
Should Urdu continue as our National Language? |
Language is the most important aspect of culture. It is the dominant feature in determining nationality or ethnicity. It is the binding force that unites a people, and makes them distinct from others. Language represents a people’s heritage and identity. However, the imposition of Urdu as the national language of Pakistan has been disastrous to the country.
Urdu language evolved during the declining period of Muslim rule in South Asia. But Persian (Farsi) always remained the official language of South Asia during the Muslim rule. Turkic and Arabic languages were also popular, Turkic language being the mother-tongue of many among the ruling elite, and Arabic language learnt for religious or scholarly purposes. The base of most South Asian Muslim empires was in north India, particularly in Delhi and surrounding areas. With the passage of time, due to the constant interaction between the ruled Khari-boli-speaking north Indian Hindu masses and the ruling Persian-Turkic-speaking Muslim elite, a new language slowly evolved called Hindustani, whose Persianized form came to be known as Urdu. Although, Hindustani/Urdu language eventually became popular, it was limited to parts of north India (Delhi, UP, MP, etc.) and never became the official language during Muslim rule. Other regions continued their native languages such as Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Kashmiri, Seraiki, Baluchi, etc. having nothing to do with Urdu, while Persian was the official language throughout the Muslim empire. |
Quote of the Day |
A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling. ~ Arthur Brisbane |
Warriors and wusses |
I DON'T SUPPORT our troops. This is a particularly difficult opinion to have, especially if you are the kind of person who likes to put bumper stickers on his car. Supporting the troops is a position that even Calvin is unwilling to urinate on.
I'm sure I'd like the troops. They seem gutsy, young and up for anything. If you're wandering into a recruiter's office and signing up for eight years of unknown danger, I want to hang with you in Vegas. And I've got no problem with other people — the ones who were for the Iraq war — supporting the troops. If you think invading Iraq was a good idea, then by all means, support away. Load up on those patriotic magnets and bracelets and other trinkets the Chinese are making money off of. But I'm not for the war. And being against the war and saying you support the troops is one of the wussiest positions the pacifists have ever taken — and they're wussy by definition. It's as if the one lesson they took away from Vietnam wasn't to avoid foreign conflicts with no pressing national interest but to remember to throw a parade afterward. |
Beautiful China! |
Those ancient Chinese painters weren't lying: Agricultural photography of Guilin and southwest China!
Airstrip on building in Manhattan?! |
Why is there an airplane (with runway) on this building in Manhattan?
Sexy (and Work Safe) Celebrity Wallpapers |
It's about time you change that desktop wallpaper. How long has it been? Take your pick of over 220 celebrity wallpaper photos on a single convenient page.
British spies caught 'red-handed' with rock: Russia |
Russia's main intelligence agency says it has caught four British diplomats in a spy scheme worthy of James Bond for its use of bizarre gadgetry.
According to Russian television reports, a piece of equipment that can store and exchange classified information was hidden in a fake rock in Moscow Square, allowing alleged spies to upload and download information in broad daylight while appearing to do nothing more innocuous than use a cellphone or Blackberry. Russia's Foreign Security Service, which called the spy rock "absolutely new spy technology," has also accused British diplomats of channelling funds to non-governmental organizations, NGOs, including one of the country's best-known human rights watchdogs. |
Need glasses |
What do you say to a women when it becomes quite obvious that she needs glasses?
eBook: |
US clears Pakistan of copyright abuse |
The US government on Tuesday cleared Pakistan from the threat of having its trade preferences withdrawn after the country took action to clamp down on copyright theft.
US trade representative Rob Portman rejected a petition brought by US industries which wanted Pakistan punished over abuses of intellectual property rights, especially in relation to fake CDs and DVDs. The petition, filed in 2001 by the US-based International Intellectual Property Alliance, called for Pakistan to be stripped from the US duty-free Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). |
Fmr. Army Chaplain James Yee on the Abuse of Prisoners at Guantanamo, His Wrongful Imprisonment and Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the Military |
We spend the hour looking at the extraordinary case of Chaplain James Yee - one of the first Muslim Chaplains commissioned by the U.S Army. Yee was posted in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in 2002, but less than a year after serving there, he was accused of espionage by the military and faced charges so severe, that he was threatened with the death penalty.
The military leaked information about the case to the press and the media went on a feeding frenzy. Chaplain Yee was vilified on the airwaves as a traitor to his country and accused of being a mole inside of the Army. Then the military's case began to unravel. The charges were eventually reduced and eight months later, dropped altogether. Chaplain Yee has written a book about his experiences called "For God and Country: Faith and Patriotism Under Fire." |
Counteroffers: Accept Them? Ignore Them? The Answer Is Simple! |
It gave you a nice ego boost to get a counteroffer, didn't it? But think about it -- if you are so valuable to your company, why did you have to quit before your employer made you feel wanted? Why did he wait until the eleventh hour to give you that raise you'd requested?
Because the move is purely defensive. Counteroffers aren't about what's best for you; they're about what's best for the company. Counteroffers are made by employers so they, not you, can be in control of the transition timetable. Think about what happens when an employee gives two weeks' notice. Suddenly it's crunch time for your boss who needs to fill your shoes post-haste. You think he's going to be able to find somebody of your caliber in two weeks? Hah! So rather than get himself in a bind, he'd rather string you along, letting you continue your work while he takes his sweet time reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates, many of whom would gladly step into your shoes in an instant at a lower salary. The wheels are in motion to replace you and you don't even know it. The moment they find that special someone, well, don't let the door hit you in the tush on the way out. |
What the heck is Yahoo thinking? |
In this era of nasty malware and Internet scams you'd think one of the Internet icons would know better. You'd be wrong.
With that in mind, I nominate Yahoo for the "cobbler's children have no shoes" award. To renew a subscription to Yahoo Mail Plus (which went up $10 this year for some reason, a 100 percent increase), Yahoo sends its subscribers a billing e-mail from a cryptic domain, cc.yahoo-inc.com, with absolutely no prior warning. The e-mail of course asks you to verify personal information and supply your credit card number--an Internet taboo if there ever was one. |
Hit the bar |
I am not really sure where all this takes place, but give those girls a shitload of beer, wine or whatever it is that gets them drunk and they are ready to show some really different behavior.
Quote of the Day |
A chess genius is a human being who focuses vast, little-understood mental gifts and labors on an ultimately trivial human enterprise. ~ George Steiner |
January 24, 2006 | |
Google tracks Hitler to San Diego | |
Never in the history of conspiracy theories have there been more black helicopters simultaneously airborne than in the case of what actually happened to Adolf Hitler on - and after - 30 April 1945.
Those of a less imaginative bent have it that the Führer simply shot himself and then his few remaining mates incinerated his and Eva Braun's bodies outside the bunker. Shortly afterwards, the Red Army arrived and took what little remained of the unhappy couple and whisked the bits off to Moscow. However, some doubts remain. On 1 May, Martin Bormann, Artur Axmann (Hitler Youth supremo) and Ludwig Stumpfegger (Hitler's sawbones) tried to leg it out of Berlin. Axmann was later captured in the Bavarian Alps, and maintained that both Bormann and Stumpfegger had been shot during the escape attempt. Black helicopter watchers know better. Bormann was subsequently spotted in Paraguay, raising speculation that he and his old chum Adolf had relocated to sunnier climes. After all, where better to hide out than South America, where the authorities at that time had a rather laissez faire attitude to top-ranking Nazis bearing large sums of plundered cash. Well, we can now exclusively reveal that there is one location better suited to keeping your head down if you have made yourself rather unpopular by provoking the Second World War - somewhere so improbable that the conspiracy theory paradigm can consider itself well and truly redefined. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "The Seal's Lair", Bougainville Road, US Navy Exchange, San Diego. | |
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Tolkien's Not-So-Secret Vice |
In 1931, Tolkien wrote an essay about the somewhat peculiar hobby of devising private languages. He called it A Secret Vice. But in Tolkien's case, the "vice" can hardly be called secret anymore.
What, really, is going on inside the head of a man who all his life is toying with enormous linguistic constructions, entire languages that have never existed outside his own notes? For one thing must be perfectly clear: He made very much more of these languages than he could ever hope to include in his stories. True, there are a few Elvish poems and a swarm of exotic names in the annals of Middle-earth, but even so, this is nothing compared to all that Tolkien made. In Tyalië Tyelelliéva # 6, Lisa Star informs us that her own list of published words has twelve thousand entries. We are talking about enormous linguistic constructions. How did it start? How was it done? And why? |
Russian Colonel Who Averted Nuclear War Receives World Citizen Award |
Retired Russian colonel Stanislav Petrov received a special World Citizen Award at a UN meeting in New York on Thursday. Petrov was honored as the “Man Who Averted Nuclear War”.
In a meeting held at the UN’s Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium on Jan. 19, the Association of World Citizens (AWC) presented the retired officer with his award. The inscription on the award, which has a granite base with a solid glass hand holding the earth, read: “The single hand that holds the earth symbolizes your heroic deed on September 26, 1983 that earned you the title: The Man Who Averted Nuclear War.” The back of the award read: “May the hand now symbolize humanity united to save our world by eliminating nuclear weapons from the face of the earth.” |
Google Earth threatens democracy |
he recent news that South Korea is to take the US to task over Google Earth images which expose its military installations to close Commie scrutiny has provoked a mini stampede of other peace-loving nations eager to protect their assets from prying eyes.
Enter stage right Thailand, which says it may ask Google to "block images of important state buildings vulnerable to attack". Armed forces spokeschap Major General Weerasak Manee-in told Reuters: "We are looking for possible restrictions on these detailed pictures, especially state buildings. I think pictures of tourist attractions should do, not crucial places which could threaten national security." Well, we went and had a quick shufti at some Thai military installations, and took the opportunity to scour the Earth's surfaces for other Google satellite data which might threaten Our Way of Life. We restricted ourselves to stuff which lends itself to perusal, mostly air force bases, because (trust us on this one) you can easily waste a whole day looking for Russian ICBM installations. Google Earth threatens democracy - again Our recent article on Google Earth blowing military secrets to the forces of darkness provoked a huge response - much of it from eagle-eyed readers who obviously have nothing better to do than spend all day peering at the earth's surface for eye-catching hardware and installations. Accordingly, we thought we'd chase up a few of the leads provided and present the results to an amazed world. First up, many of you said the White House roof - plus related government buildings - are no longer obscured. |
More on Google Earth: South Korea throws strop at Google Earth |
The South Korean government is to take the US to task over Google Earth on the grounds that the globetrotting online service shows sensitive military installations laid bare in a way which might benefit North Korea.
Presidential spokesman Kim Man-soo said earlier this week the powers that be were planning on "raising concerns with US authorities" after South Korean newspapers highlighted the shocking fact that Google Earth (free software download, but Mac and Linux users move along, nothing to see here...) showed "images of the presidential Blue House and military bases". Well, since South Korea is still (technically) at war with its jolly northern neighbour, we suppose it's conceivable that Google might inadvertantly aid the Godless Commie Pyongyang regime were it to decide to march on Seoul, red banners aflutter. On the other hand, Google has some impressive material on North Korea, too, such as this snapshot of Yongbyon - home of the country's main nuclear research facility. |
Oily fish makes 'babies brainier' |
Eating oily fish and seeds in pregnancy can boost children's future brain power and social skills, research suggests.
A study of 9,000 mothers and children in Avon suggested those who consumed less of the essential fatty acid Omega-3 had children with lower IQs. |
Flying car captured on Google Earth |
Here's a question for you: what have the Nazi wartime test facility at Peenemunde and the Australian city of Perth got in common? Well, the first thing (and just about the only thing, truth be told) which springs to mind is that they are both next to large bodies of water. This is useful if you're going to test things which might go bang. Like V-2 rockets and - wait for it - flying cars.
See in Google Earth [.kmz file] |
Drunk-driving suspect flees in police car |
A Chicago woman arrested for drunken driving slipped off her handcuffs and drove away in a police cruiser, police said on Saturday.
Chicago resident Veronique Armour, 22, was stopped early Friday as she drove in the wrong lane on a city street. While a police officer was removing Armour's 1995 Honda Civic hatchback from the street, she somehow escaped the handcuffs and drove away in the officer's cruiser, said police spokeswoman Joann Taylor. Armour was caught a few minutes later in a parking lot about a mile away, police said. In addition to charges of driving under the influence and related traffic violations, Armour faces charges of possessing a stolen vehicle and escaping from police. |
January 23, 2006 | |
Gullible: Free masons | |
The Freemasons have donated money to every single winning presidential campaign since George Washington.
Source: GullibleInfo | |
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Quote of the Day |
I was so naive as a kid I used to sneak behind the barn and do nothing. ~ Johnny Carson |
Hydropolis - the world's first luxury underwater hotel |
Currently under construction in Dubai, Hydropolis is the world's first luxury underwater hotel. It will include three elements: the land station, where guests will be welcomed, the connecting tunnel, which will transport people by train to the main area of the hotel, and the 220 suites within the submarine leisure complex. It is one of the largest contemporary construction projects in the world, covering an area of 260 hectares, about the size of London's Hyde Park.
"Hydropolis is not a project; it's a passion," enthuses Joachim Hauser, the developer and designer of the hotel. His futuristic vision is about to take shape 20m below the surface of the Arabian Gulf, just off the Jumeirah Beach coastline in Dubai. The £300 million, 220-suite hotel is due to open at the end of 2007 and will incorporate a host of innovations that will take it far beyond the original blueprint for an underwater complex worthy of Jules Verne. |
A Short Film by Till Nowak |
As if the details in the animation weren't detailed enough, the story behind this award winning short film will surely pique your curiosity as well.
I/O Brush |
Crazy Video of a New Painting Tool From the Folks at the MIT Media Lab (Video)
All those who want ideas for the loved ones!!! |
Mom Would Be Proud |
Mom would be proud of her little girl now that she's forever on the internet with cum on her face. (NSFW, obviously)
John Travolta's Hair? Wig? |
The Last Question: Asimov's greatest short story |
Isaac Asimov was the most prolific science fiction author of all time. In fifty years he averaged a new magazine article, short story, or book every two weeks, and most of that on a manual typewriter. Asimov thought that The Last Question, first copyrighted in 1956, was his best short story ever. Even if you do not have the background in science to be familiar with all of the concepts presented here, the ending packs more impact than any other book that I've ever read. Don't read the end of the story first!
330 mpg?!?! |
Imagine driving across the United States on just one tank of gas. That is what Accelerated Composites, formed by three San-Diego engineers purport to be developing.
They plan to sell a revolutionary hybrid two-seater car that they say can get up to 330 miles per gallon, and will sell for under $20,000. |
January 20, 2006 | |
Most popular religion... | |
In terms of numbers, Christianity is the world's most popular religion, with approximately 2.1 billion followers. This includes just over a billion Catholics, about 350 million Protestants, and the Orthodox and Anglican faiths. The religion statistics resource Adherents.com hosts a fascinating pie graph that breaks down the world's major religions by population.
Islam is the world's second-largest religion, with roughly 1.3 billion followers -- including 940 million Sunnis and 170 million Shiites, as well as those belonging to other Muslim faiths like Sufism. Depending on your resources, the third-largest group is either Hindus or atheists. Both hover just under the billion mark. Traditional Chinese religion (which is related to, but distinct from, Buddhism) takes fourth place with 400 million, and Buddhism trails close behind. | |
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Quote of the Day |
The ability to delude yourself may be an important survival tool. ~ Jane Wagner |
Let's have a toast!!! |
Subversive Carwash |
The Subversive Chicken was fun, but you'll probably prefer making the girls at the Subversive Carwash obey your commands much better.
Asian at the office |
Online Nikah! |
Speaking of cards... |
Here are some chairs made of cardboard!!!
Split timing!!! |
Death and Taxes... |
Excellent visualization of where American tax dollars go!!!
How to Fix a Sweater That Has Shrunk |
When your sweater has shrunk more than a size or two, you might as well cut off the arms and use it to keep Fluffy warm next winter. But if your sweater has become just a bit too snug, try these steps to return it to its original size.
Vatican Paper Hits 'Intelligent Design' |
The Vatican newspaper has published an article saying "intelligent design" is not science and that teaching it alongside evolutionary theory in school classrooms only creates confusion.
The article in Tuesday's editions of L'Osservatore Romano was the latest in a series of interventions by Vatican officials _ including the pope _ on the issue that has dominated headlines in the United States. The author, Fiorenzo Facchini, a professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Bologna, laid out the scientific rationale for Darwin's theory of evolution, saying that in the scientific world, biological evolution "represents the interpretative key of the history of life on Earth." |
Feds after Google data |
The Bush administration on Wednesday asked a federal judge to order Google to turn over a broad range of material from its closely guarded databases.
The move is part of a government effort to revive an Internet child protection law struck down two years ago by the U.S. Supreme Court. The law was meant to punish online pornography sites that make their content accessible to minors. The government contends it needs the Google data to determine how often pornography shows up in online searches. In court papers filed in U.S. District Court in San Jose, Justice Department lawyers revealed that Google has refused to comply with a subpoena issued last year for the records, which include a request for 1 million random Web addresses and records of all Google searches from any one-week period. The Mountain View-based search and advertising giant opposes releasing the information on a variety of grounds, saying it would violate the privacy rights of its users and reveal company trade secrets, according to court documents. |
January 19, 2006 | |
Who came up with this concept? | |
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It's a fun cup game!
You get a free software if you finish it. I did it in one go. 15 Levels. It gave me some UID: 3n484844241k1k4b4b4b1j4b3o42444043473o43421j3i43411k3i49443m3g413k1k1o3i49444735201j474b3l243g243h243i1m1m1o212021201m1m232323201l1j1n231m211q1o20202122211n1o23233l4e1m1q2222 For all of you to use if you can. I wasn't interested. |
Met the Twins already? |
Will this family show their holiday pics? |
Playing Games!!! |
One of a kind train wreck! |
Blowjob Nation: reflections on the growth of oral sex |
The first time I heard a mother of girls talk about the teenage oral-sex craze, I made her cry. The story she told me -- about a bar mitzvah dinner dance on the North Shore of Chicago, where the girls serviced all the boys on the chartered bus from the temple to the reception hall -- was so preposterous that I burst out laughing. The thought of thirteen-year-old girls in party dresses performing a sex act once considered the province of prostitutes (we are talking here about the on-your-knees variety given to a series of near strangers) was so ludicrous that all I could do was giggle.
It was as though I had taken lightly the news that a pedophile had moved into my friend's neighborhood. It was as though I had laughed about a leukemia cluster or a lethal stretch of freeway. I apologized profusely; I told her I hadn't known. The moms in my set are convinced -- they're certain; they know for a fact -- that all over the city, in the very best schools, in the nicest families, in the leafiest neighborhoods, twelve- and thirteen-year-old girls are performing oral sex on as many boys as they can. They're ducking into janitors' closets between classes to do it; they're doing it on school buses, and in bathrooms, libraries, and stairwells. They're making bar mitzvah presents of the act, and performing it at "train parties": boys lined up on one side of the room, girls working their way down the row. The circle jerk of old -- shivering Boy Scouts huddled together in the forest primeval, desperately trying to spank out the first few drops of their own manhood -- has apparently moved indoors, and now (death knell of the Eagle Scout?) there's a bevy of willing girls to do the work. |
Last train to...? |
Zdenka Podkapova Mega Gallery |
Her English may be punctuated with a thick European accent, but make no mistake about it, Penthouse Pet of the Year Zdenka Podkapova is a sight to behold in this 500 pic mega-gallery.
U.S. Raid Killed Qaeda Leaders, Pakistanis Say |
Two senior members of Al Qaeda and the son-in-law of its No. 2 leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, were among those killed in the American airstrikes in remote northeastern Pakistan last week, two Pakistani officials said here on Wednesday.
The bodies of the men have not been recovered, but the two officials said the Pakistani authorities had been able to establish through intelligence sources the names of three of those killed in the strikes, and maybe a fourth. Both of the officials have provided reliable information in the past, but neither would be identified because they were not authorized to speak to the news media. |
January 18, 2006 | |
Quote of the Day | |
America had often been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up. ~ Oscar Wilde | |
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Killed by chips and toast |
A lad who only ate chips, toast and baked beans was killed by his junk diet — aged just 20.
Quote of the Day |
In the last couple of weeks I have seen the ads for the Wonder Bra. Is that really a problem in this country? Men not paying enough attention to women's breasts? ~ Hugh Grant |
Alexander Gofayzen |
Crazy Soccer |
This incident really took place during a soccer match between Barbados and Grenada for the Shell Caribbean Cup in February 1994.
Barbados needed to win the game by two clear goals in order to progress to the next round. Now the trouble was caused by a daft rule in the competition which stated that in the event of a game going to penalty kicks, the winner of the penalty kicks would be awarded a 2-0 victory. With 5 minutes to go, Barbados were leading 2-1, and going out of the tournament (because they needed to win by 2 clear goals). Then, when they realized they were probably not going to score against Grenada's massed defence, they turned round, and deliberately scored on their own goal to level the scores and take the game into penalties. Grenada, themselves not being stupid, realized what was going on, and then attempted to score an own goal themselves. However, the Barbados players started defending their opponents goal to prevent this. In the last five minutes, spectators were treated to the incredible sight of both team's defending their opponents goal against attackers desperately trying to score an own goal and goalkeepers trying to throw the ball into their own net. The game went to penalties, which Barbados won and so were awarded a 2-0 victory and progressed to the next round. |
Low budget!!! |
Top ten reasons why nobody reads your blog |
Fujitec eases elevator bottlenecks |
A new elevator system developed by Fujitec America Inc. alleviates passenger bottlenecks in lobbies and in other high-traffic areas.
The Destination Floor Guidance System - which was put into operation Friday in the Metropolitan Park West Tower in downtown Seattle - minimizes stops by grouping together passengers with common destinations. Here's how it works: Self-standing and wall-mounted kiosks with touch screens are installed in common areas where elevator passengers wait. Passengers enter their destination floor on the touch screen. The requests are processed, and a message is displayed informing users to ride a specific car. |
Pentagon forbids troops to buy better body armor |
In a comment thread two days ago, Margot linked to an article at Soldiers for the Truth that stated that U.S. soldiers were recently ordered not to purchase or use alternative body armor. In view of what has come to light about the shortcomings of the standard government-issue armor, I was somewhat taken aback at her comment, and read the article she linked to. I was shocked, to say the least:
The soldiers, who are currently staging for combat operations from a secret location, reported that their commander told them if they were wearing Pinnacle Dragon Skin [body armor] and were killed their beneficiaries might not receive the death benefits from their $400,000 SGLI life insurance policies. The soldiers were ordered to leave their privately purchased body armor at home or face the possibility of both losing their life insurance benefit and facing disciplinary action. |
The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse |
A nation-state taxes its own citizens, while an empire taxes other nation-states. The history of empires, from Greek and Roman, to Ottoman and British, teaches that the economic foundation of every single empire is the taxation of other nations. The imperial ability to tax has always rested on a better and stronger economy, and as a consequence, a better and stronger military. One part of the subject taxes went to improve the living standards of the empire; the other part went to strengthen the military dominance necessary to enforce the collection of those taxes.
... Economically, the American Empire was born with Bretton Woods in 1945. The U.S. dollar was not fully convertible to gold, but was made convertible to gold only to foreign governments. This established the dollar as the reserve currency of the world. It was possible, because during WWII, the United States had supplied its allies with provisions, demanding gold as payment, thus accumulating significant portion of the world’s gold. An Empire would not have been possible if, following the Bretton Woods arrangement, the dollar supply was kept limited and within the availability of gold, so as to fully exchange back dollars for gold. However, the guns-and-butter policy of the 1960’s was an imperial one: the dollar supply was relentlessly increased to finance Vietnam and LBJ’s Great Society. Most of those dollars were handed over to foreigners in exchange for economic goods, without the prospect of buying them back at the same value. The increase in dollar holdings of foreigners via persistent U.S. trade deficits was tantamount to a tax—the classical inflation tax that a country imposes on its own citizens, this time around an inflation tax that U.S. imposed on rest of the world. When in 1970-1971 foreigners demanded payment for their dollars in gold, The U.S. Government defaulted on its payment on August 15, 1971. While the popular spin told the story of “severing the link between the dollar and gold”, in reality the denial to pay back in gold was an act of bankruptcy by the U.S. Government. Essentially, the U.S. declared itself an Empire. It had extracted an enormous amount of economic goods from the rest of the world, with no intention or ability to return those goods, and the world was powerless to respond— the world was taxed and it could not do anything about it. Complete article here. |
Engines of Democracy |
The factory is not just quiet -- it seems almost deserted. The driveway, lined with thick pine forest, is a mile long and gives the place a muffled quality. The two main buildings are large enough to be airplane hangars -- tall-shouldered, with blank metal walls so high that the doorways look puny. The inside of the far building is almost as still as the outside. There is plenty of equipment -- tool carts, platforms for working around large items, racks of parts. But there is an air of work interrupted. Only a handful of people are visible.
It is, however, instantly clear what kind of work gets done here. Hanging from yellow overhead cranes are two of the largest jet engines in the world. It takes no great aeronautical expertise to appreciate these engines: Even unfinished, they look muscular. They're also huge: Each one is bigger than a Lincoln Navigator. Although engines go out the door of this plant at a rate of more than one per day, the air of calm is hardly its most unusual aspect. The plant is General Electric's aircraft-engine assembly facility in Durham, North Carolina. Even within Jack Welch's widely admired empire, the Durham facility is in its own league -- a quiet corner of a global giant, a place where the radical has become routine. GE/Durham has more than 170 employees but just one boss: the plant manager. Everyone in the place reports to her. Which means that on a day-to-day basis, the people who work here have no boss. They essentially run themselves. |
Quote of the Day |
The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think. ~ Horace Walpole |
Canada has a winner |
Canada is country that should be proud of a new winner. That is, she could be the winner if she entered the Miss Cameltoe competition.
MPAA Infringing Copyrights? |
The MPAA's ReportPiracy site uses free software code, but fails to comply with the license. Is it a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
Bridging Gaps!!! |
A 55-mile-long bridge across the Bering Strait would connect Asia and North America for the first time since the last ice age. But a bridge across iceberg-swirled ocean near the Arctic Circle, twice as long as any other bridge on Earth? Here's how it might be done...
No, you're not nude |
Pastease is the sexy, new alternative to a bikini top. Look great and love the tan lines! Wear them to the beach, the pool, the river and the lake. You can also wear them under any sheer or semi-sheer top to the club, the bar and anywhere else that you'd like to stand out. New designs are always in the works so bookmark us and stay abreast.
Running in the family |
A bisexual man who answered an advert to father a lesbian couple’s baby has won a landmark court battle to be one of the official parents, it was revealed yesterday.
The man had sex with one of the women and she had a daughter, now five years old. But the man, referred to only as Mr B, then demanded the right to parental responsibility for the child on matters such as education and health. He was refused and went to the High Court’s Family Division which has upheld his entitlement to be an official parent of the child, known as D. In a bizarre twist, the girl’s mother — Ms A — got pregnant a second time, with sperm donated by a homosexual who lives with another gay, and she also has a daughter aged three, known as E. |
Watcha' lookin at?!!? |
Songtapping |
This site lets you search for a song, by tapping the rhythm of its words (lyrics).
Let's say you have a song stuck in your head, and you don't know the name of it. Never fear! Load up our search screen, and try tapping the rhythm of the song on your space bar while humming the tune. Tap the space bar for each syllable that you sing. It's that simple! |
Body Guard Feels Up A Drunk Paris Hilton |
I salute Paris Hilton's body guard for boldly going where many dirty hands have gone before. I guess you have to be a fearless tough guy to be in the body-guarding business but I think I would rather lick a subway pole than touch anything of Paris's.
Scarlett Johansson: Felt Up At Golden Globes |
They are irresistible right? Well, it looks like we aren't the only ones that think so. In the pics below, we see E! Reporter - Isaac Mizrahi cupping Scarlett Johansson's boobies. It seems the poor guy couldn't control himself (and he is gay). Notice how he lets his hand ride up her side and cops a feel of those beauties.
Maybe she too knows he's gay. Because if you're gay, women are not offended. On the other hand, if you were to touch a beatiful girl's breast you would probably get hit in your face. And if you did it in the United States, you would probably also be taken to court over it... |
Name change should stop the snickers |
Fuk King Kwok was waiting for his driver's license to be printed when his name was called and a chuckling Illinois secretary of state employee offered some advice.
"She [said] this is a dangerous name," the Chinese immigrant recalled. "She [said] the name translated is not so good, maybe I should change [it]. The word I hear is not so good." Not so good, indeed. That clerk, like so many other Americans who have said his name since he came to Chicago in 1999, didn't pronounce his first name the proper way -- "fook." Instead, she and the others would pronounce his name with an "uh" sound instead of the "oo" -- in other words, like the granddaddy of all swear words. "And my middle name is terrible, too," he admitted. "That combination becomes very terrible." Last month in Cook County Circuit Court -- three years after that clerk offered the advice -- Fuk King Kwok changed his name. He's now Andy Kwok. |
TV in the bedroom halves your sex life |
Thinking of buying a TV for the bedroom? Think again -- it could ruin your sex life.
A study by an Italian sexologist has found that couples who have a TV set in their bedroom have sex half as often as those who don't. "If there's no television in the bedroom, the frequency (of sexual intercourse) doubles," said Serenella Salomoni whose team of psychologists questioned 523 Italian couples to see what effect television had on their sex lives. On average, Italians who live without TV in the bedroom have sex twice a week, or eight times a month. This drops to an average of four times a month for those with a TV, the study found. |
File Swap |
I really like the idea of File Swap. You give one file and you get one for free. Some nice outcomes....
Ski Dubai |
Ski Dubai is the first in-door ski resort in the Middle East and offers an amazing snow setting to enjoy skiing, snowboarding and tobogganing or just playing in the snow. Young or old, there is something for everyone, from the beginner to the snow sport enthusiast. Ski Dubai is a unique mountain-themed attraction that offers you the opportunity to enjoy real snow in Dubai all year round.
Would You? |
Don't say you wouldn't, because I don't believe you. You just don't want your friends to know about it.
Fake Webcam |
Use fake webcam to play pre-recorded videos on instant messengers (Yahoo, MSN, Paltalk etc) while chatting. It can even broadcast one single movie to all the messengers at the same time.
Fake webcam enables you to:
12,000 Wooden Blocks |
Brian is going to have the folks from Guiness Book of World Records stop by and induct his 12,000 block "Leaning Tower of Pisa" into their collection. Let's listen in as Brian gives a pre-emptive interview to his campus media crew...
One Word |
Rap Lyrics Translated |
And my jam knock in the Mitsubishi Girls pee pee when they see me, Nava-hoes creep me in they tee pee As I lay down laws like I lay carpet Stop it - if you think your gonna make a profit Translation: I enjoy playing my music loudly on my car stereo. Apparently, women enjoy this also because they become sexually aroused when they see me driving. Oddly enough, when I visit the Native American reservations, some of the more sexually promiscuous Indian women attempt to seduce me in their homes. Their intent is to divest me of my earnings. Such actions are unacceptable. More Rap Lyrics Translated |
Low Budget Bungee Jumping |
Have you ever jumped bungee (is that correct? Probably not, but I like it this way)? If not, why not? Because you don't want a crowd to see how you shit your pants? Or because it costs more than you can afford? If the last reason applies to you, here's a tip for you. You can now participate in low budget bungee jumping.
Hottest Significant Other Tournament |
You knew this was coming. So many athletes date celebrities (or Playmates, or fellow athletes) that the time has finally arrived: SPiN is going to let you, the reader, determine which professional athlete has the hottest significant other.
And before you pepper us with questions as to whether or not golf (or surfing, or hockey) is a professional sport, save the e-mail. Retired athletes count, too! We commissioned a crack team -- or maybe it was a team on crack -- of experienced eyes to determine the seeding of each athlete's girlfriend/fiancee/wife. We'll play this out March Madness-style, based on your votes. Each Wednesday we'll break it down, round-by-round, until you've determined a winner. We will determine who moves on to the Savory 16 based on the poll numbers Monday night. |
Legalize polygamy, study urges |
A new study for the federal Justice Department says Canada should get rid of its law banning polygamy, and change other legislation to help women and children living in such multiple-spouse relationships.
“Criminalization does not address the harms associated with valid foreign polygamous marriages and plural unions, in particular the harms to women,” says the report, obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act. “The report therefore recommends that this provision be repealed.” The research paper is part of a controversial $150,000 polygamy project, launched a year ago and paid for by the Justice Department and Status of Women Canada. |
Greatest guitar solos of all time... and worst too... |
Every guitarist has opinions on what some of the greatest recorded guitar solos are. While there are many that are commonly regarded as "great", there are lots of others that don't get as much attention.
Not too long ago, the editors of Guitar World magazine put together a reader's poll, to find out what their readers considered to be the best guitar solos of all time. The results surely reflect the magazine's demographic (no jazz guitar solos, for example), but no one can argue the following 100 selections boast some great guitar work. What follows is the list of all 100 songs selected, listed with the guitarist who played the solo, the band who released the album, and the album name. Clicking on the song will take you to the guitar tab for that specific solo, and in some cases, additional notes like how to get a similar guitar sound. Or, if you're tired of watching lists of the best this and the best that, you may want to review the worst guitar solos. |
Tired of Living on Earth? Build Your Own Island! |
We couldn't make this stuff up: this man, Reishee Sowa of Puerto Aventuras, Mexico, apparently grew tired of trying to live self-sufficiently on dry land, and did what any of us would have done.
He built his own island out of used pop bottles. 250,000 of them, plus some construction leftovers and bags of leaves, make up "his island," though he's quick to point out that it's technically not an island by traditional standards. "You see not even the president is allowed his own island in Mexico," he says, "but technically I don’t have an island, I have an eco space-creating ship." Granted, the idea may seem a bit wacky to some of you dear readers, and though it's not entirely practical on a global scale for each person to have their own island, we do admire his ingenuity and innovative spirit. Our earth is two-thirds water, after all. |
5 people... |
Busy life... |
Quote of the Day |
Artifical Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity ~ Shehzad Kazmi |
January 16, 2006 | |
Give them some beer... | |
...and they start doing things they later possibly will regret. Not us, no, we like to watch them go wild....
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Drunkener!!! |
Dakar Rally!!! |
January 15, 2006 | |
Not so little... | |
now these are what I call boobs!!!
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Mega Bus |
Coolest Bus I've ever seen!!!
Quote of the Day |
We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. ~ Will Rogers |
A Really ..... |
It's just sick!!! Watch it if you want to!
All-In-One Card |
This card would make mp3 players like iPod history and most PDA's and cell phones look bulky and old. It is called "All-in-One Card" or "AIO Card" (or Advanced Input Output Card) It has almost everything you need in a modern gadget and more.
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But I really want to... |
Show what you've got |
I have no idea if they're really special in a good or a bad way, but there seem to be many women in the world who can't wait to flash their breasts once a camera is pointed at them. Here's quite a collection of women who love to show their breasts to you and the rest of the world.
Which is the most expensive food item sold by pound? |
Plenty of things scream luxury and excess: Bentleys, Tiffany, Versace... But when it comes to pimping your palate, the choices might not be as obvious.
Heavy Load!!! |
January 04, 2006 | |
Email Blender!!! | |
The Email Blender would take this sort of an email
A sparrow was in love with a white rose..one fine day this sparrow proposed the white rose...the white rose told when she turns red she will love him..sparrow tares his bodyand slowly spreads his blood on the white rose and it turns red and fell in love but the sparrow is no more..this islove........if you really love someone forward this message to ur close frends, with you..........have the best luck.........please dont break this chain. and turn it to Oh Wow! A vital, weariest, sharp win. Wintrier spoofery on ass-head. White-hot or pestered hopes. Worthwhile, odd truth sereneness. Sorrow's elite whiplash marvel. Dowdyish despairs slash nobly. Toothier deathblow in rotundness. Poor-will half-nude, tender bravest. So. Vilifier to hominess. Level royal you. Kinda funny what it turns your standard emails to!!! | |
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Playboy Employees |
So you applied for this job as a System Administrator at Playboy Enterprises. And you thought you would see lots of gorgeous women, because they always hang around at those offices. Boy, were you wrong. There was not a single girl there who was suitable for a pictorial in the magazine. The nude models never ever stopped by at the Playboy Headquarters.
But then you and your colleagues came up with this brilliant idea. What would it take for Hugh Hefner to be pursuaded to have some nude models run around the in the offices? Not much, they just needed to come up with some of the girls from accounting, from purchasing and from customer services willing to take off their clothes and they would have nude models in the office. So here they are, the Playboy Employees. |
Studying the female ass |
It is one of the most fundamental - and, for men, potentially hazardous - questions of modern life, for which academics now hope to provide the definitive answer: “Does my bum look big in this?” The School of Textiles and Design at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh have begun what is believed to be the world’s first-ever study on how women’s clothing affects the bottom.
Models with variously sized posteriors will wear different types of clothing as part of the research, which will examine how designs, colours, patterns and fabric types affect perception. |
Mom, 13, is ruled a sex crime offender |
An appeals court on Friday upheld a judge's refusal to dismiss a sexual abuse allegation against a 13-year-old Ogden girl who became pregnant by her 12-year-old boyfriend.
The Utah Court of Appeals says the law's "rigorous protections" for younger minors include protecting them from each other. The decision leaves the teens in the odd position of each being both a victim and a perpetrator in the same offense. "The Legislature certainly may act to protect the health and safety of children, and may more vigorously protect those of more tender years," Judge Gregory Orme wrote for a three-member panel of the court, which made its decision "with some reluctance." |
And now, for Google's next trick ... |
Speculation is mounting that Google will this week unveil a no-frills personal computer costing as little as $200.
They built a $123bn business around online text search then diversified into video, email and, more controversially, book publishing. Now Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin have set their sights firmly on Microsoft with the expected arrival of a cut-down Google personal computer. Speculation is mounting that Page will use a keynote speech at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Friday to unveil details of a low-cost computer or internet-enabled device that will run on a new operating system developed by Google. Also found a couple of snapshots! Are they for real?! Screenshot 1, 2 |
Addicted to Top 10's |
If you're addicted to Top 10 Lists, this is the site for you!
Jordan can't shop!!! |
It's a well known fact that when women go out shopping with their friends, they always buy their clothes a few sizes too small. They all seem to think that a smaller shirt, skirt or bra fits them perfectly. Jordan is no exception.
Dummy houses in London |
The world's first underground railway - now serving as the District Line - was constructed in 1867 using a method called 'cut and cover'.
As the name implies, this involved digging a deep hole to house the underground tracks, and then covering over the tunnel. The route of the line between Paddington and Bayswater necessitated the demolition of 23 and 24 Leinster Gardens, situated on a long, upmarket terrace of five story houses, and it was decided to build a 5ft-thick facade which matched the houses either side of the break. |
Entering the Kamasutra |
Best blonde joke ever |
A good blonde joke sure makes my day. And this one is the best!
Tetris for Blondes |
I don't want to bother with a description, you'll forget it by the time you get there. So here it is!
With this bone, I thee wed |
Couples are turning to the laboratory to create "biojewellery" - bone rings grown from their DNA as a token of their love.
In an extreme test of devotion, they must submit to the removal of wisdom teeth and the extraction of a fragment of jawbone. A team has won ethical approval for the procedure, which is attracting commercial interest. Tobie Kerridge, a British Royal College of Art research fellow and co-inventor of the idea, said it would cost about $11,700 to produce each ring. Matthew Harrison, 25, who with his girlfriend, Harriet Harriss, 32, is to exchange rings, conceded that others might find it "disgusting". But Mr Harrison, a product designer from London, said: "I see it as a set of biological connections instead of something like marriage, a legal connection." Ms Harriss described it as "incredibly poetic". |
Quote of the Day |
Electricity is actually made up of extremely tiny particles called electrons, that you cannot see with the naked eye unless you have been drinking. ~ Dave Barry |
January 03, 2006 | |
Quote of the Day | |
Americans adore me and will go on adoring me until I say something nice about them. ~ George Bernard Shaw | |
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January 02, 2006 | |
Serial Killer Quiz | |
![]() In the early to mid 1970s Ted Bundy would murder over 30 young women. Most were attacked while walking in parks, found later to have been raped and strangled to death, but sometimes Bundy would go as far as breaking into their houses as they slept and beating them to death with a crow bar. After being caught and convicted of the murders, Bundy accepted prison, acquired a new name and started his killing spree all over again. Soon after, Bundy was caught, but not before taking the lives of 3 more women. Almost all of Bundy's victims were young white girls with long dark hair parted down the middle, all were raped, beaten and sodomized. kill count: 30+ Find what serial killer you would be, Take the Serial Killer Quiz now! | |
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Comedy of Terror |
~ by Terry Jones
Tony Blair, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld - you're my prize guys. Well the end of the year is as good a time as any to distribute prizes. And first is the Gary Glitter Cup for Self-Restraint, to Tony Blair. It can't have been an easy couple of years for him, and yet he has somehow managed to keep that smile on his lips and that cheerful sparkle in his eye with a degree of self-restraint that impressed the judges. |