November 26, 2004 | |
"It really doesn't matter at all. Nobody gives a shit anyways" That's my new philosophy in life. Nobody really cares about anyone else so why bother and be pretentious just so that we can be more acceptable. I said fuck that! I don't want to be acceptable to anyone, take me for what I am. If I change myself what guarantee's are there that the other person would even care about that change. | |
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November 24, 2004 | |
Oh, heres to my sweet satan. Thw one whose little path could make me sad, whose power is satan. He'll give you, give you 666. There was a little tool shed where he made us suffer, sad satan. the above is what is popularly believed to be in the song "Stairway To Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. They all sing, and they are one. Shall I loathe you now, parishoner? Oh hear Him, Christian within me. It stirs my sin; the river, Oh, she swells with our lousiness. All my life will end for him? We're all out of signs, I know I'm sorta shocked To hear The Lord, My God now will save me! Oh I will n'er be saved, Because I live with Satan.. One wish today; That you'll all pray for Three who will make it here late. Pray now and you'll see.. The 'Lord' turned me on, But, oh, I was the shaggy fool.. Clothed in agony, Lost at a height. ohh... There's no escaping it, Nor his woes.. So here's to my Sweet Satan. The other's little path Would make me sad, Whose power is fake. He'll give those with him 666. And all the evil fools, they know he made us suffer sadly. Ohohohoh... "Family won't get loose, They've offered me." Always soothes the worker. Always will be as we know now "I see ruins," said he, "the world they offered me? Who wished the Lord's fall?" If we lose feather, Say you'll save me! And no wimps can bend the rules.. And no wimps can do.. Hunt next to the shore, 'Cause they see all from there, See here's the news, Who walks with mute grief! Perhaps no-one found thee... "Heavy, lift me out," Spake the Reve, "Someday, failed, we'll lose one line-up, They've gotta leave forsaken." And no wimps can do.. And no wimps can do... He, who say the lords Thoth have our laws, Maat must be superb. Mass is ended.. Over there, He who should learn thee. Any moot¹ that serves by my sworn music, I wish it with snow be shushed, All for my mass's sake. Hear why its sung, here, oppositioner, Ohh.. He who should show May make his show worthy, To look, for us, odd.. sickly, There's one chance - take his show. Hold thy head, Hear why its sung here. oppositioner. Who owns this earth built below? Oh sweet Israel! This is a backmasked version of the same song I found on another site. This is way more comprehensive than the one above, but I doubt that all of this can be heard in the backmasked version. Someone please verify! | |
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November 23, 2004 | |
![]() this seems so corny and lame... but i don't know why i just felt like putting this up | |
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November 22, 2004 | |
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no words necessary
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November 20, 2004 | |
After a While | |
between holding a hand and chaining a soul. And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company isn't security. (Kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises.) After awhile you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open, with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child. And you learn to build your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain and the inevitable has a way of crumbling in mid-flight. After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you stand too long in one place. So, you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone else to bring you flowers. And you learn you really can endure, that you really do have worth. You learn that with every good-bye comes the dawn. This version, supposedly the original version, by: Judith Evans I ran across this profile on this online community called orkut and i was reading the about me part which was reaaaalllly interesting. Somehow i got the feeling that it wasn't tooo original so i searched and found that it was this poem. i liked it a lot so here it is for all of you to read and cherish! | |
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November 18, 2004 | |
"Brilliant counter argument. Clearly the work of a superior mind. I shall consider well my choice this time around and think upon your witty reparte so that I might fully realize the depths of my error. You have shown me the light. Thank you."
a response to a bitch who wouldn't respond to my pickup lines :P | |
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"The American people wants a president that appeals to the angels..."
Bush in his speech during the GOP convention. Aug/2000 Does he really believe that it is him ?... This guy is delusional!! It has to be LSD!!! "Son, I love your strategy: Don't let them get to know you." — Barbara Bush (note: extracted from the internet. We cannot guarantee it is legitimate, but it's funny anyway) Now I think there's something wrong with the genes!!! coutesy of Bushisms |
What famous leader are you?
i have absolutely no idea how i'm in any way related to abe lincoln... but familiar with american history to such an extent that i have no clue whatsoever!!! |
November 14, 2004 | |
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